
Saturday, March 16, 2019

European History - Was the French Revolution Preventable? :: European Europe History

Was the French Revolution Preventable?The French Revolution was a study transformation of the society and political dodging of France, lasting from 1789 to 1799. During the course of the Revolution, France was changed from an absolute monarchy, to a republic of supposedly represent and free citizens. The effects of the French Revolution were widespread, both inside and distant of France, and impacted all of Europe. At times the outcome of revolt lead to social change and at times it just led to supererogatory bloodshed. Was this revolution inevitable? Was there something different that the presidency or large number could beget done to prevent the horrible atrocities of The Reign of Terror nether Robespierre and his men? There are clear social, economic and political changes that could endure been made too prevent this revolution from occurring when it did. However, although the government could subroutine up postponed this revolution, it was also somewhat inevitable, b ecause of the great differences in the society of the peasants and the nobles divided the entire society. The government was also just trying to make too many things secure at the wrong time and this is why they could possibly have not avoided the French Revolution. Economically, many changes could have been made in the way that would have prevented such anger a procession from the people. However, there are also a some problems that could not have been avoided. Economic decline in the 1770s may have frustrated some bourgeois in their rise to power and wealth, and rising bread prices just before the Revolution certainly increased dissatisfaction among workers and peasants. France also suffered from harsh economic problems. Poor farm harvests by farmers hurt the economy, and spate rules from the Middle Ages still survived, making trade difficult. At this time, the gap amongst the rich and the despicable was go greater, with the poor becoming poorer, and the rich becoming richer . A central bank was nowhere to be found, there was no paper currency and in general, taxes were becoming greater for the peasants. In this economically challenged society what could have been done to change all of these economic problems from the first-class honours degree? One of the major problems that the government should have dealt with long ago is the use of the funds that they did have. Under rulers in the past such as Louis the XIV, poor economic decisions were made. Louis the XIV did not invest wisely, he used major funds in trade and exploration causes that were not gaining the French anything, only they continued to invest in.

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